From summer semester 2015 to summer semester 2018 Prof. Dr. phil. habil. Christopher Dell will teach as professor at the Urban Design (UD) department of the HafenCity University Hamburg. He will lead the Urband Design Theory Lab.

The Master of Science degree programme Urban Design is based on a broad conception of contemporary urban structures and networks. In the light of the challenges posed by a dynamically changing built environment, new solutions that create a solid base for sustainable and open-ended urban planning must be found. The master degree programme teaches the methods and tools for well-founded research and design practices that emphasise conceptual working processes, in-depth analyses, experimental intervention formats and process-oriented planning strategies.

In dealing with polycentric city regions, small- and large-scale processes of polarisation, or informal developments, the dominant urban paradigms and planning instruments are increasingly called into question. In order to forge innovative paths in the study and structure of the object we call a “city”, we need a programmatic change of perspective in the teaching, research and practice of Urban Design, transcending disciplinary borders.

The non-consecutive Master of Science in Urban Design is designed to take an interdisciplinary approach. Throughout four semesters, the programme communicates methods and tools for a research and design practice that focuses on conceptual modes of operation, in-depth analyses, experimental intervention formats and process-oriented planning strategies.

The programme of study is aimed at theoreticians and practitioners who are interested in gaining an additional qualification in the fields of applied urban research and the design of urban environments.


teaching and research activities of Christopher Dell at Urban Design Master Program


webpage of the master program

links to selected seminars led by Christopher Dell

Social City II “The Distribution of the Sensible” 2016/2017


The Composition of the Urban II 2016/2017


Social City I 2016


The Composition of the Urban I 2016


