“A human is not a tree” at Floating University

Posted on Juli 7, 2022 in / Serial Events / Serial IFIT

I love this kepotope. Thrilled to have presented the lecture-performance at Floating University in a Raumlaborberlin program:
Ein Mensch ist kein Baum/ A human is not a tree
20. Juni 17-21 Uhr

20th June 5-9 PM
An evening on dwelling and Vilém Flussers „Freedom of the Migrant“.
A Cooperation of Floating University Berlin and the Vilém Flusser Archiv Berlin
Michael Hanke, specialist on Flusser, Sao Paolo
Sabine Zahn, choreographer, Berlin
Christopher Dell, vibraphone playing urban design theorist
And the students of Societal- and economic communication from UdK Berlin