Essay: Kollektivität der Unterschiedlichen

Posted on Sep. 7, 2022 in / Serial IFIT / Serial Publications

(Collectivity of the different)

in: Oleschko/  Grannemann/ Szukala (Ed.)
Diversitätssensible Lehrer*innenbildung, Theoretische und praktische Erkundungen

Waxmann, Münster 2022,  204  pages,  paperback,  34,90 €,  ISBN 978-3-8309-4071-5

With contributions by
Barbara Hoch,  Anja Wildemann,  Kenneth Horvath, Sebastian Barsch,  Inger Petersen,  Ilena Vagt, Sven Oleschko,  Kristina-Maren Stelze,  Silke Krämer, Bastian Bartels,  Theresia Jägers,  Maik Böing, Ute Faber,  Michèlle Schnitker,  Katinka Sánchez Elsner,  Christopher Dell,  Katharina Grannemann, Stefanie Hübner

Diversity in schools is often perceived as a challenge by teachers and is often used as an explanation for individual feelings of stress. In this context, everyday theories and evaluation habits, established practices, but also institutional sorting mechanisms play a special role in the constant remobilization of inertial forces in the system. From the relevant “shortcuts” that actors take between professional knowledge, governance and practice in everyday life, specific blockades of overdue renewals and changes of perspective in and on the system emerge.

This volume addresses these syndromes by opening innovative perspectives on diversity sensitivity as a significant moment for first and second phase teacher education. In doing so, not only are very different approaches presented scientifically and in terms of professional theory, but practical experience as well as experimental approaches from the field of coaching and supervision are introduced into the debate for the first time as significant for the possible further development of diversity-sensitive education and training.