Wuchner / Sommer / Dell “Spirituality”

enw 017 Wuchner / Sommer / Dell “Spirituality” available at enw shop as special limited edition (100) 180g Vinyl chromocarboard and booklet card special limited edition (300) CD jewel case transparent tray and 12 page booklet via invoice for 15 Euro plus 2,50 Euro shipping for Germany and 9,90 Euro international. the publication will […]
DLW Beats II Tour

DLW presents their new publication Beats II released on plaist this year. CHRISTOPHER DELL – vibraphone, composition CHRISTIAN LILLINGER – drums, composition JONAS WESTERGAARD – bass, composition 14. September 2023 Dell-Lillinger-Westergaard, Workshop Hochschule für Musik, Dresden 14. September 2023 Dell-Lillinger-Westergaard, Geh8 Kunst Raum Ateliers, Dresden 15. September 2023 Dell-Lillinger-Westergaard, Musikbrauerei, Berlin 26. September 2023 Dell-Lillinger-Westergaard plus […]
Performative Politics of Design

Civic City Summer School Museum für Angewandte Kunst, Frankfurt Lecture and discussion: Performative Politics of Design 31 August at 6.30 pm For a fortnight, Ruedi and Vera Baur, together with guests from the Civic City network, are organising a workshop as part of the “Summer School” at Museum für Angewandte Kunst, Frankfurt that focuses on […]
Danielsson/ Dell/ Landgren: Salzau Music on the Water

this was long awaited for: the cult classic Salzau Music on the Water is finally rereleased on vinyl by act music. The legendary meeting of three outstanding musicians was recorded live and open air at the JazzBaltica Festival at 5:00 a.m. on July 4, 2005 on the iconic artwork from 1996 by Ilia Kabakov located […]
Hülsman Dell Duo Schloss Agathenburg
25.08.2023 20:00 Julia Hülsman – Flügel Christopher Dell – Vibraphon Es ist ein Aufeinandertreffen zweier Schlüsselfiguren der Berliner Jazzszene und einer seltenen Instrumentenkombination: Piano und Vibrafon. Der perkussive und auch schwebende Sound des Vibrafons mischt sich auf unvergleichliche Art und Weise mit dem Klaviersound und ergänzt diesen auch dabei. Das lässt oft wunderschöne, desorientierende Momente […]
Transatlantic Five “Transitions”

With this brand new energetic transatlantic quintet Dell Ramond Kugel continue to expand their musical world between traditional and experimental jazz with great sensitivity and imagination. The repertoire consists of original compositions inspired by their great admiration for and reserach on the work of American saxophonist and composer Eric Dolphy. The quintet consits of masterful […]
German Critics Award for Monodosis III

on 15th of August the latest publication of the artist label edition niehler werft Christopher Dell “Monodosis III” received the Preis der Deutschen Schallplattenkritik (German Critics Award) in the category Grenzgänge (crossing boundaries). Nikolaus Gatter wrote for the Jury: “”Monodosis III” is the third experiment by Christopher Dell, the founder of an “Institute for Improvisational Technology” […]
Dell-Lillinger-Westergaard “Beats II”

is out now! ORDER HERE BEATS II is the fourth album made by composer trio Dell-Lillinger-Westergaard(DLW). The recording is manifests the continuation of a research that began with GRAMMAR, GRAMMAR II and BEATS. Within this ongoing work two complementary approaches have been distinguished, manifesting themselves in a serial manner. “While the GRAMMAR series derives […]
Wolfgang Haffner and Friends
8.8.2023 Dreiecksplatz, Gütersloh Wolfgang Haffner – Drums Alma Naidu – Vocal Christopher Dell – Vibes Simon Oslender – Piano Thomas Stieger – Bass

The Spinelli FreiRaumlab was very pleased to hold the international symposium on 12 and 13 July 2023, the concept of which was developed by Sally Below and Christopher Dell in cooperation with the Project Group Conversion City of Mannheim. The symposium took take place within the framework of and the site at BUGA Mannheim. We […]