Angelika Nescier BTHVN
Angelika Nescier-sax Eva Fillipo- vibraphon perc Chris Dell-vibraphon Morit Baumgärtner-drums Phil Donkin-bass Shannon Barnett-trombone
DLW at Theater Krefeld Video

Dell/Lillinger/Westergaard combine energetic playing with structural execution; composed materials are permanently reconfigured. The trio delivers extraordinarily gripping soundscapes that are characterised by a close interlocking of musical structures and hyperreal sound design – resulting in a completely independent aesthetic. The Frankfurter Rundschau calls the trio’s work “Boulez in Real-Time” and adds: “A great performance and […]
Stefanovich Dell Lillinger Westergaard Neue Nationalgalerie Berlin

Making history! Rewriting the Canon with SDLW @neue_nationalgalerie Berlin! This was monumental! Thanks to @bastillemusique and the whole Team for making this once in a lifetime Grid Explosion real! Metamodern is the New utopia! pics by Sebastian Solte
Dialogue Concert #6 Materiality Video

Conceptual Research on Architecture and Music curated by Christopher Dell the event took place on 9th of September 2021 at AEDES Architecture Forum in the exhibitions “Arbre à Palabres – Kéré Architecture” & “Vanished Landscapes – Ursula Schulz-Dornburg”. Lecture Ton Matton (NL) Concert Lotte Anker (DK) saxophone Sofia Eftychidou (GR) bass Christopher Dell (D) vibraphone/ […]
DLW Fri Resonans Trondheim
Venue: Dokkhuset Scene 2 October 2021 – 22:00 Fri resonans festival webpage
Raumlabor Plastische Demokratie

lecture performances “The Improvisation of Space” held at a project organized by the Berlin architect group Raumlabor as part of the exhibition project Beuys 2021, Düsseldorf curated by Catherine Nichols and Eugen Blume, listen to the audio-archive of Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf on 26. and 27.09.2021 at Schauspielhaus Düsseldorf pics: Frauke Gerstenberg program […]
Architecture Biennale Venice Debate « Rencontres de Beutre »

au Pavillon français de la Biennale de Venise du 21 et 22 septembre. (photographe : Philippe Ruault) Avec Joëlle Zask, Christopher Dell, Aquitanis et des habitants de Beutre. commissariat général : Christophe Hutin Architecture
The Improvisation of Space

Current Stuttgart ART AND URBAN SPACE – in assembly Symposium 16.09.2021 / 10 – 7 pm Project Space / Kunstverein Wagenhalle Innerer Nordbahnhof 1 70191 Stuttgar Thurday, 16.09.2021, 11:00 – 13:00 Uhr LECTURE PERFORMANCE 11:00 – 11:30 Uhr Christopher DellThe Improvisation of Space Discussion – Improvisation and Porosity 11:45 – 13:00 UhrJeanne van Heeswijk, Irene […]