lecture performance “Stadt als offene Partitur” Deutsches Farbenzentrum Hamburg

International Conference ‘Stadt.Land.Farbe’ 27 and 28 September 2024 Berufliche Schule Holz.Farbe.Textil in Hamburg How can colours contribute to sustainable and identity-creating living spaces? The international conference ‘Stadt.Land.Farbe’ of the DFZ Deutsches Farbenzentrum e.V. on 27 and 28 September 2024 at the Berufliche Schule Holz.Farbe.Textil in Hamburg is dedicated to this question. The Faculty of […]
monodosis, Deutsches Farbenzentrum, Hamburg

concert performance 26 September 2024 in the framework of International Conference ‘Stadt.Land.Farbe’ Berufliche Schule Holz.Farbe.Textil in Hamburg How can colours contribute to sustainable and identity-creating living spaces? The international conference ‘Stadt.Land.Farbe’ of the DFZ Deutsches Farbenzentrum e.V. on 27 and 28 September 2024 at the Berufliche Schule Holz.Farbe.Textil in Hamburg is dedicated to this […]
Book Release: Piazza Spinelli

– Übungsraum für die Stadt in the framework of the ZwischenDrin Festival 2024 Wednesday 25 September 2024 7.00 pm Zeitraumexit The editors of the book ‘Piazza Spinelli – Übungsraum für die Stadt’, Sally Below and Christopher Dell, present the contents of the book, provide insights into the development of the Spinelli FreiRaumLab and address a […]
design seminar “On Spices”, école de création visuelle, Paris

it was a pleasure to be a guest-critic at the design seminar “On Spices” in Val de Fontenay, in the Parc des Olympiades (Val de Janiero, next to the Oscar Niemeyer building) with Alexandre Bella Ola and Ruedi Baur in the framework of école de création visuelle, Paris on 20th of September-
residency integral designer network Paris

work on a call for for the Frankfurt 2026 World Design Capital on a project that we titled « Re-design democracy » and which would be broken down into: the organization of a broadcast of 24 hours on this theme, work with partner schools on the theme and the preparation of a traveling exhibition as […]
book launch Piazza Spinelli

– Übungsraum für die Stadt Sally Below / Christopher Dell at Architektur Galerie Berlin 29.8.2024 19 Uhr welcome: Ulrich Müller (Architektur Galerie Berlin) Panel Talk: Sally Below Urbanistin, sbca Christopher Dell Designtheoretiker, Komponist, Musiker Anne Keßler Bundesministerium für Wohnen, Stadtentwicklung und Bauwesen Dr. Leslie Quitzow Bundesstiftung Bauakademie Moderation: Doris Kleilein Jovis Verlag The editors […]
Festival Intersecting Encounters Berlin

Saturday, 31. August Intersecting Encounters – Opening of the Month of Contemporary Music Kühlhaus, Berlin with Dell-Lillinger-Westergaard, Sofia Jernberg, Sonar Quartett, Tamara Stefanovich, Trio Catch, Zafraan Ensemble 17 Uhr Sofia Jernberg & Dell-Lillinger-Westergaard 18.30 Uhr Trio Catch & Zafraan Ensemble 19.15 Uhr Sonar Quartett & Dell-Lillinger-Westergaard 20 Uhr Offizielle Begrüßung zum Monat der zeitgenössischen […]
Wolfgang Haffner Quintet at Schloss Elmau
06.08.2024 Wolfgang Haffner – drums Christopher Dell- Vibraphone Sebastian Studnitzky – trumpet Simon Oslender – Piano Thomas Stieger – Bass
Stars im Luitpoldhain
4. August 2024 20 Uhr Nürnberg The major biennial festival “Stars im Luitpoldhain” brought internationally renowned jazz stars to the stage on Sunday, 4 August, starting at 8 pm. This year, Wolfgang Haffner, world-class drummer, Nuremberg Culture Prize winner and musical director of Stars im Luitpoldhain, brought some very special companions to the stage: The […]
Conceptions Darmstadt
15.-20.08.2024 Bessunger Knabenschule Summer workshop since 1992 The Darmstadt Jazz Conceptions were founded in 1992 by the Darmstadt bassist Jürgen Wuchner (1948-2020) and are still held today in almost unchanged form. Its uniqueness is based on the concept of a pure ensemble workshop with a high degree of personal responsibility on the part of the […]