DLW @ JOE Essen

Dell Lillinger Westergaard present their new publication “Grammar II”, released on plaist at JOE Festival Essen on 17th of January. JOE webpage
Count Pauli Big Band plays Terry Gibbs
feat. Christopher Dell 15.01.2020 Knust Neuer Kamp 30 20357 Hamburg Count Pauli Big Band : Tp : Benny Brown, Philipp Kacza, Michael Leuschner, Torsten Maaß Tbn : Lisa Stick, Felix Eilers, Sebastian Hoffmann Sax : Fiete Felsch, Björn Berger, Nigel Hitchcock, Tini Thomsen, Noah Rythm : Boris Netsvetaev, Georgi Kiknadze, Heinz Lichius facebook
DLW @ Winterjazz Cologne

Dell Lillinger Westergaard present their new publication “Grammar II”, released on plaist.
video Dialogue Concerts #1

Mediality, The video presents atmospheric impressions from the first event of the Dialogue Concerts on 12.12.2019 at Aedes Architektur Forum. Designed as a montage of lecture, concert and discussion, Dialogue Concerts will examine how urban space determines our communal life from December 2019 to November 2020. In this context, the city is not defined as […]
Essay Notation and Performance

in: PAErsche Lab ’17 Performance Art Conference (Ed.), Cologne Documentation
Essay Stadtteilen. Vom Gemeinen Gut als Tätigkeit und Verräumlichung

in: Protocol 11, University of Fine Arts, Faculty of Architecture, Berlin (Ed.) Thanks a lot to the students of the faculty of architecture at UdK Berlin for making this very fine publication and for inviting me to contribute this essay. webpage UdK
Dialogue Concerts #1 Mediality

Texobject No. 3, artist’s book published by enw, limited edition of 60 designed by Helmut Völter download pdf DialogueConcerts_Heft1 funded by
Ist Beethoven revolutionär?

Interview von Anke Steinbeck mit Christopher Dell zum Projekt “Beethoven Variations” mit Dell Lillinger Westergaard plus Peter Evans. Das Projekt wird am 10.5.2020 beim Jazzfest Bonn vertreten sein.
dialogue concerts: #1 Mediality

Conceptual Research on Architecture and Music Die Reihe Dialogue Concerts. Conceptual Research on Architecture and Music präsentiert zum 40-jährigen Jubiläum des Aedes Architekturforums ein medienpluralistisches Format das die Erforschung des Städtischen neu in den Blick nimmt. Architektonisches Arbeiten tritt in den Dialog mit der Praxis der Musik. Donnerstag, 12 Dezember 2019, 18.30Uhr Aedes Architekturforum Christinenstr. […]
The Improvisation of Space

new book out, released December 2019, available worldwide in selected bookstores Softcover 17 × 24 cm 256 pages, 50 b/w ill. English ISBN 978-3-86859-602-1 11.2019 29.80€ order here This volume investigates one of the most significant shifts in contemporary urban research: the shift from an object- to an action-related perspective on the city. Outlining […]