Monodosis II

Port25 – Raum für Gegenwartskunst Donnerstag, 20. September 2018, 20 Uhr Cordula Hamacher präsentiert Christopher Dell Monodosis II HÖRsPORT – die neue Konzertreihe für unbequeme Musik Musik kann so schön sein. Aber wie reagieren wir auf Klänge, die wir so noch nie zuvor gehört haben? Wie empfinden wir Musik, die nicht unseren Hörgewohnheiten entspricht? […]
Urban Design Thesis Reviews 2018

Von Bangkok, über Brüssel und Bogota bis Hamburg Poppenbüttel. Die Bandbreite an Untersuchungsgebieten und –Themen verspricht auch in diesem Jahr eine Fülle an relevanten Perspektiven auf das Urbane. An zwei Tagen präsentieren 15 Studierende insgesamt 14 Urban Design Thesis Projekte. Die Vielseitigkeit der Abschlussarbeiten am Lehr- und Forschungsbereich Urban Design zeigt einmal mehr, dass wir […]
Ways of understanding, expressing and practicing looking at the city

essay in: Monika Grubbauer / Kate Shaw (eds.): Across Theory and Practice: Thinking Through Urban Research. Berlin 2018 Softcover 15 x 22 cm 256 pages, 61 plain ill. English ISBN 978-3-86859-540-6 32.00€ How does theory relate to practice? How should practice inform theory? Scholars all over the world struggle with these questions, particularly in […]
Kolkata Monodosis: Five Takes on Urban Intervention Research

essay in: Sebastian Klotz, Philip V. Bohlman, Lars-Christian Koch (Eds.): Sounding Cities. Auditory Transformations in Berlin, Chicago and Kolkata. Reihe: KlangKulturStudien/SoundCultureStudies Bd. 9, Münster 2018 304 S., 29.90 EUR, 29.90 CHF, br., ISBN 978-3-643-90555-0 Berlin, Chicago, Kolkata – three modern cities, whose soundscapes are as different as they are similar. Historically and musically, all three cities bear witness […]
DRA @ Kollektivnights

Jazzkollektiv Berlin: 10 Jahre Kollektiv Nights 29.8.-1.9.2018 28.8.2018 20 Uhr Tyatrom, Alte Jakobstr. 12 images by Deltef Schilke info
Lichtspiel performed in north america

from 22. June to 3. July my composition Lichtspiel was performed in the context of the Bauhaus-Project „Klingende Utopien“ in USA and Canada. Concerts were given as multimedial program at Xerox Rochester International Jazz Festival 2018 (26. June 2018), Toronto Jazz Festival 2018 (27. June 2018) and Ottawa Jazz Festival 2018 (29. June 2018). The […]
image of a composition

essay that conceptualizes and perspectivises my composition “lichtspiel” in relation to the film of the same name by László Moholy-Nagy from the year 1930. The work was commissioned by the Deutsche Musikrat on the occasion of the 100th birthday of Bauhuas. The work was performed as a performative installation with the movie by the formidable […]
Spatial Agency

From the University of the Neighbourhoods to Building a Proposition for Future Activities or how urban design mobilizes the performative plan. essay by Bernd Kniess, Anna Richter, Christopher Dell, Dominique Peck in: Michael Koch / Renée Tribble / Yvonne Siegmund / Amelie Rost / Yvonne Werner (Ed.): New Urban Professions – A Journey through Practice and Theory […]
On option improvisation

Why It Is Critical to Conceptualize Improvisation in Architecture and Urban Design. Essay in Michael Koch / Renée Tribble / Yvonne Siegmund / Amelie Rost / Yvonne Werner (Hg.): New Urban Professions – A Journey through Practice and Theory (Changing) Perspectives in Metropolitan Research 5 Softcover 16.5 x 24 cm 312 pages, 70 col. and b/w English ISBN […]
Haffner Quartett at Ystad Festival

4 August @ 17:00 Ystads Teater Sjömansgatan 13 Ystad, Skåne 27143 Sverige Wolfgang Haffner (DE) – drums Christopher Dell (DE) – vibraphone Frank Chastenier (DE) – piano/keyboards Christian Diener (DE) – bass Wolfgang Haffner, regarded as Germany’s top jazz drummer, is also in demand for rock, pop and hip-hop recordings. He has played with everyone from Pat Metheny, […]