new book out! Raumpolitik

Blickregime urbaner Topomacht “History has long been considered a central concept in politics. While the political character of the temporal nature of human coexistence is widely recognised, there is a lack of awareness that the spatial dimension of everyday life is just as essentially politically determined. And the reverse is also true: concrete spatial articulations […]
lecture performance The Improvisation of Space, Dys-Regulating Architecture

it was a pleasure to lecture at the studio Blaser Architekten in Basel in the framework of “Dys-Regulating Architecture” on 27th of November.The lecture emphasized arguments of my book “The Improvisation of Space” in relationship to the research and teaching project “University of Neighborhoods” of the master UD at HafenCity University and the publication “Tim paints […]
lecture performance “Raum und Handlung” Master Cooperative Planning, Luzern

Thanks so much to Tabea Michaelis and Amelie-Theres Mayer for inviting me to teach and lecture at their brand-new Master of Kollaborative Raumentwicklung at the Institut for Architecture, Hochschule Luzern. the lecture and teaching took place in the curricular of the framework PRACTICAL PROJECT 01 HERITAGE-MAKING In interdisciplinary teams, students develop concepts and strategies for […]
Bergen School of Architecture „Conceptualizing the production of space“

lecture performance as part of the seminar series Architectural Theory at Bergen School of Architecture 18th of November 2024 9h Arkitekt skole, Bergen Arkitekt skole, Sjøgaten 59, 61a, 5035 Bergen, Norway Focussing on the theoretical work of Henri Lefebvre, this lecture investigated and laid out the main aspects of the notion of the production of space. […]
panel discussion “Transforming Tempelhof Airport”

very much enjoyed the invitation of Architekturpreis Berlin e. V. and Tempelhof Projekt GmbH to discuss the transformation of the 300,000 m² megastructure Tempelhof at the Tempelhof Tower. It is a building, a neighborhood and a city at the same time. Neither the use of a world airport with a visitors’ grandstand for air shows, as […]
DAM book prize for Raumlabor Polylemma

the book “Polylemma”edited by Raumlabor won the DAM Architectural Book Award! I was very glad to be appointed by Raumlabor to contribute 50 conceptual comments and an interview to the extensive volume.
monodosis at Sella Berlin

the closing event on Saturday, October 19, starting at 5 p.m. in the framework of the exhibition “Micronesia/Naòs” by Werner Huthmacher in the former fire station of the Funkhaus Berlin. On display were a current retrospective of the artist and photographer Werner Huthmacher, who has been working for several decades on the representation of existing spaces and the […]
essay “Invention les partitions pour des projets du vivant”

très heureux d’avoir contribué ce texte pour le livre LA PRÉSÉANCE DU VIVANT Devenir Jardinier planétaire de Gilles CLÉMENT et COLOCO. publié par Lars Müller Publishers, 17x24cm, 560p., illus., “Ce livre nous invite à nous considérer comme des vivants faits d’autres vivants, évoluant au sein de communautés complexes. Adopter le point de vue du Jardinier […]
book out: Piazza Spinelli. Übungsraum für die Stadt

Sally Below / Christopher Dell (eds.) At the interface between urban development and networking, Piazza Spinelli makes a convincing plea for a new planning culture. Based on years of experience in a conversion process in Mannheim-Käfertal, Sally Below and Christopher Dell, together with experts from various disciplines, examine how existing buildings can be rethought and […]
lecture performance “Stadt als offene Partitur” Deutsches Farbenzentrum Hamburg

International Conference ‘Stadt.Land.Farbe’ 27 and 28 September 2024 Berufliche Schule Holz.Farbe.Textil in Hamburg How can colours contribute to sustainable and identity-creating living spaces? The international conference ‘Stadt.Land.Farbe’ of the DFZ Deutsches Farbenzentrum e.V. on 27 and 28 September 2024 at the Berufliche Schule Holz.Farbe.Textil in Hamburg is dedicated to this question. The Faculty of […]