Interview in magazine GEO
GEO NR. 11/2016 Aus Prinzip: Hoffnung Jürgen Schaefer: IMPROVISATION: WIR KÖNNEN AUCH ANDERS! pdf for download see more
La ville comme partition ouverte
lancement du nouveau livre à l’atelier Intégral, Paris avec discussion 31. Janvier 2017
Lecture at City in Context, Lahore Biennale
Impulse Lecture – The Assembly of the University of the Neighbourhoods (UoN). A documentation of making new forms of agencies available. lecture with Bernd Kniess at Urbanities – Art and Public Space in Pakistan Thursday, 1 December 2016 Venue: Alhamra Arts Council | 2:00 – 8:30 pm see more images here Alhamra […]
Book Launch at Theatre St Gervais, Genève
La ville comme partition ouverte. Die Stadt als offene Partition. Book launch and live performance with urbanist and musician Christopher Dell in discussion with Ruedi and Vera Baur 27.11.2016 Théâtre Saint-Gervais 5 Rue du Temple, Genève, Suisse
Improvise NOW!!! Improvisation and its Contexts
Introducing The Oxford Handbook of Critical Improvisation Studies Vol. 2 Haus der Kunst, München SYMPOSIUM, CONCERT Saturday, 19.11, 3 pm Symposium: The “Oxford Handbook of Critical Improvisation Studies” Speakers Welcome 3 pm – 3:10 pm Johannes Ebert, Secretary-General of the Goethe-Institut Okwui Enwezor, Director Haus der Kunst Markus Müller, Curator of “Improvise NOW!!!” Keynote 3:10 […]
Bezahlbar.Gut.Wohnen. Strategien für erschwinglichen Wohnraum
Rancière and the Politics of Visibility. gehalten bei Symposium und Buchvorstellung 18.11.2016, Beginn: 17.30 Uhr, Aula der Hochschule München, Karlstrasse 6, 80333 München Eintritt frei. Anlässlich der aktuellen Publikation „Bezahlbar.Gut.Wohnen. Strategien für erschwinglichen Wohnraum“ veranstaltet die Hans Sauer Stiftung am 18.11.2016 ein Symposium mit Buchvorstellung. Gemeinsam mit der Hochschule München und den Autoren Klaus Dömer, […]
Structures of Improvisation Workshop
on 4.11. 13-17 Uhr, 5.11.2016 10-14 Uhr I conducted a workshop together with the great dancer, choreographer and teacher Ingo Reulecke with the MA-Choreography-Students of the Hochschulübergreifendes Zentrum Tanz Berlin (HZT) The modules maC1 + maC2 worked at Uferstudio 12 Berlin. The Workshop researched on structures, parameters, modes of processing and strategies of improvisation technology […]
La Ville Comme Partition Ouverte
nouvelle publication Design, diagramme, processus, arts, plan, présentation, urbanisme, notation, performance, musique, Citoyenneté, improvisation A “partition” (score) is a special representational form. It is linked to instructions for action and looks forward rather than backward: to the planning of a forthcoming event. The “open score” goes one step further: it articulates the process of […]
Stadt als offene Partitur
new book out in lars müller publishers! A “partition” (score) is a special representational form. It is linked to instructions for action and looks forward rather than backward: to the planning of a forthcoming event. The “open score” goes one step further: it articulates the process of producing new realities and their indeterminacy. In his […]