Bundesatelier für Architektur und bildende Kunst, cité internationale des arts Paris
Studio 5, 18 rue de hotel de ville, Paris German architecture and urban design theoretician Christopher Dell will round up his six month fellowship at the Bundesatelier für Architektur at the cité international des arts, Paris with an open studio tonight. Presented at Studio 5 of the citè are works that have been worked on […]
lecture-performance Das Arbeitende Konzert/ The Working Concert
With his project “The Working Concert”, Christopher Dell brings together his many musical, compositional, aesthetic and research interests. In this lecture, Dell will explain the background and approaches that determine “The Working Concert”. “The Working Concert” is an open, discursive performance format by composer and musician Christopher Dell. The works in these concerts are composed […]
New essay Unsettling Planning Practices
From Accommodation to Dwelling in Hamburg” together with Dominique Peck, Anna Richter and Bernd Kniess, in: Tihomir Viderman, Sabine Knierbein, Elina Kränzle, Sybille Frank, Nikolai Roskamm, Ed Wall (Eds.) “Unsettled Urban Space: Routines, Temporalities and Contestations” published by Routledge in their City and Urban Planning series. From 2015-2018 I had the privilege to work as […]
Stadt_formen Konferenz
In 2022 I had the pleasure and honor to participate the second time in the jury of Projektfonds Urbane Praxis. The Berliner Projektfonds Urbane Praxis supports artistic and cultural projects in publicly accessible spaces that deal with urban space and society in Berlin. We see public space as a meeting place, as well as a […]
Piazza Spinelli at Kunsthalle Mannheim
Saturday, 15.10.2022, 2 p.m. How do we live? An excursion to the Spinelli FreiRaumLab in Käfertal. Walk and talk in the framework of the exhibition “Urban Nature” by Rimini Protokoll. excursion starting 1:20 p.m. at the main entrance of the Kunsthalle Mannheim, then set off together or on site at 2 p.m. in front of […]
new book: Tom Paints The Fence. Re-negotiating Urban Design
Kniess/ Dell/ Peck (eds.) Tom Paints the Fence – Re-negotiating Urban Design, spector books, Leipzig It took 5 years to realize and 7 years to document: the now legendary teaching and research project “University of Neighborhoods”, launched from 2008 -2013 by the Master Urban Design at HafenCity University Hamburg within the framework of the International […]
The improvisation of space at Maison de l’Architecture Occitanie
the conference “The improvisation of space” was presented on Wednesday 28 September 2022 18h at Plateau-média, isdaT, site Daurade, Toulouse. The conference discussed a new “performative” vision of design in architecture and urban project based on my latest book The improvisation of space (Jovis Verlag 2019). Conference organized by the LRA (Laboratoire de Recherche en […]
essay “Kampf ohne Fortschritt”
in the book @thecountryside edited by Wendorf Academy, Ellie Smolenars and Ton Matton. This is the first version of the essay, a second will be released soon in another book by Ton. The article debates the contemporary condition of inhabiting the planet in the anthropocene and which consequences it has for urban design and the […]
Essay: Kollektivität der Unterschiedlichen
(Collectivity of the different) in: Oleschko/ Grannemann/ Szukala (Ed.) Diversitätssensible Lehrer*innenbildung, Theoretische und praktische Erkundungen Waxmann, Münster 2022, 204 pages, paperback, 34,90 €, ISBN 978-3-8309-4071-5 With contributions by Barbara Hoch, Anja Wildemann, Kenneth Horvath, Sebastian Barsch, Inger Petersen, Ilena Vagt, Sven Oleschko, Kristina-Maren Stelze, Silke Krämer, Bastian Bartels, Theresia Jägers, Maik Böing, Ute Faber, Michèlle Schnitker, Katinka Sánchez Elsner, Christopher Dell, Katharina Grannemann, Stefanie Hübner Diversity in schools is often perceived as a challenge by teachers and is often used as an explanation […]
“A human is not a tree” at Floating University
I love this kepotope. Thrilled to have presented the lecture-performance at Floating University in a Raumlaborberlin program: Ein Mensch ist kein Baum/ A human is not a tree 20. Juni 17-21 Uhr 20th June 5-9 PM [DE] An evening on dwelling and Vilém Flussers „Freedom of the Migrant“. A Cooperation of Floating University Berlin and the […]