Essay “Improvisation and Structure”
is published in the artist’s book “ENJOY THE WORLD. DESTROY THE WORLD” by Holger Schmidhuber on Dreizeichen Verlag, Berlin. Softcover, Linen binding, 227 x 290 cm, 334 pages
Debate with Christophe Hutin and Jana Revedin
during the collaboration with Christophe Hutin Architects at the Venice Architecture Biennale 2021 I had the honor to participate in different exciting discussiion fomats. As part of the programmation of the French pavillion “Les Communautés à l’œuvre” I joined the debate with Tiphaine Abenia, Jana Revedin, Christophe Hutin and Daniel Estevez and Patrick Geffard on […]
Essay “Improvisation or nothing. To the State and Future of the Urban”
in Current. Kunst und Urbaner Raum magazine #1 . Many thanks to Laura Bernhardt, Julia Lerch Zajączkowska, Nora Unger and Tina Steiger for making this possible! pdf of article
Perspektiven- & Praxiswerkstatt „Stadtentwicklung performativ“
25. OKTOBER ’21 — 26. OKTOBER ’21 | 10:00 — 15:00 Die Zukunft der aktivierenden Stadtentwicklung ist performativ: Stadtentwicklungsprozesse werden als kulturelle Prozesse gestaltet und erlebbar gemacht. Die Stadt selbst wird dabei zur Bühne: für die Transformation von Stadtgesellschaften, Lebensstilen, Wohn- und Arbeitsformen – und für die Weiterentwicklung ihrer Orte, ihrer Organisations- und Kooperationsstrukturen. So […]
Venice Architecture Biennale French Pavilion Discussions
c’était génial de participer au dernier programmation de Pavillon français “Les communautés à l’oeuvre” dans le cadre des Pavilion Days de la 17e Biennale internationale d’architecture de Venise. J’ai eu le plaisir de discuter avec Christophe Hutin, commissaire du Pavillon français et les chercheurs Tiphaine Abenia,Agathe Mignon et Daniel Estevez sur SCIENCE DES STRUCTURES RUPTURES […]
it was a pleasure and honor to be part of the new publication of the incredible Kaja Draksler ON INNOVATION AND THE FUTURE OF MUSIC (AND ART) published this year on bandcamp. The booklet includes incisive interviews with among others the great Susana Santos Silva, Christian Lillinger and Peter Evans. Wonderful drawings by Szymon Pimpon […]
Dialogue Concert #6 Materiality Video
Conceptual Research on Architecture and Music curated by Christopher Dell the event took place on 9th of September 2021 at AEDES Architecture Forum in the exhibitions “Arbre à Palabres – Kéré Architecture” & “Vanished Landscapes – Ursula Schulz-Dornburg”. Lecture Ton Matton (NL) Concert Lotte Anker (DK) saxophone Sofia Eftychidou (GR) bass Christopher Dell (D) vibraphone/ […]
Raumlabor Plastische Demokratie
lecture performances “The Improvisation of Space” held at a project organized by the Berlin architect group Raumlabor as part of the exhibition project Beuys 2021, Düsseldorf curated by Catherine Nichols and Eugen Blume, listen to the audio-archive of Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf on 26. and 27.09.2021 at Schauspielhaus Düsseldorf pics: Frauke Gerstenberg program […]
Architecture Biennale Venice Debate « Rencontres de Beutre »
au Pavillon français de la Biennale de Venise du 21 et 22 septembre. (photographe : Philippe Ruault) Avec Joëlle Zask, Christopher Dell, Aquitanis et des habitants de Beutre. commissariat général : Christophe Hutin Architecture
The Improvisation of Space
Current Stuttgart ART AND URBAN SPACE – in assembly Symposium 16.09.2021 / 10 – 7 pm Project Space / Kunstverein Wagenhalle Innerer Nordbahnhof 1 70191 Stuttgar Thurday, 16.09.2021, 11:00 – 13:00 Uhr LECTURE PERFORMANCE 11:00 – 11:30 Uhr Christopher DellThe Improvisation of Space Discussion – Improvisation and Porosity 11:45 – 13:00 UhrJeanne van Heeswijk, Irene […]