new book out! Raumpolitik

Blickregime urbaner Topomacht “History has long been considered a central concept in politics. While the political character of the temporal nature of human coexistence is widely recognised, there is a lack of awareness that the spatial dimension of everyday life is just as essentially politically determined. And the reverse is also true: concrete spatial articulations […]
new release “Ruptures” with Søren Kjærgaard

out from today! very happy to announce that “Ruptures” the duo recording with the great Danish pianist and composer Søren Kjærgaard is released today on the Copenhagen cutting edge label ILK Music! Thanks to everyone to make this recording possible, especially the team of ILK and the team of Koncertkirken Copenhagen! It was a joy […]
German Critics Award for DLW “Extended Beats”

Overly excited that DLW received the Preis der deutschen Schallplattenkritik for bastille musique’s twenty-eighth release »DLW: Extended Beats«. It is amazing to receive the award right one year after my solo-recording “Monodosis III” on enwrecords was awarded in the same category. Thanks so much to everybody who made »DLW: Extended Beats« possible! In his laudatio […]
DAM book prize for Raumlabor Polylemma

the book “Polylemma”edited by Raumlabor won the DAM Architectural Book Award! I was very glad to be appointed by Raumlabor to contribute 50 conceptual comments and an interview to the extensive volume.
essay “Invention les partitions pour des projets du vivant”

très heureux d’avoir contribué ce texte pour le livre LA PRÉSÉANCE DU VIVANT Devenir Jardinier planétaire de Gilles CLÉMENT et COLOCO. publié par Lars Müller Publishers, 17x24cm, 560p., illus., “Ce livre nous invite à nous considérer comme des vivants faits d’autres vivants, évoluant au sein de communautés complexes. Adopter le point de vue du Jardinier […]
new release Ensemble 5 Human Factor

on hat hut records Recorded on October 9th and 10th, 2022 at Powerplay Studios, Maur/Zurich, Switzerland by Reto Muggli; Mixed by Fridolin Blumer Recording produced by Heinz Geisser CD master by Michael Brändli, Hardstudios AG Cover photo by Hagen Stockhausen Liner notes by Brian Morton graphic concept from Führer Vienna Associate Producer: Christian […]
book out: Piazza Spinelli. Übungsraum für die Stadt

Sally Below / Christopher Dell (eds.) At the interface between urban development and networking, Piazza Spinelli makes a convincing plea for a new planning culture. Based on years of experience in a conversion process in Mannheim-Käfertal, Sally Below and Christopher Dell, together with experts from various disciplines, examine how existing buildings can be rethought and […]
book launch Piazza Spinelli

– Übungsraum für die Stadt Sally Below / Christopher Dell at Architektur Galerie Berlin 29.8.2024 19 Uhr welcome: Ulrich Müller (Architektur Galerie Berlin) Panel Talk: Sally Below Urbanistin, sbca Christopher Dell Designtheoretiker, Komponist, Musiker Anne Keßler Bundesministerium für Wohnen, Stadtentwicklung und Bauwesen Dr. Leslie Quitzow Bundesstiftung Bauakademie Moderation: Doris Kleilein Jovis Verlag The editors […]
out now: Ensemble 5 “The Human Factor”

The Human Factor by Ensemble 5 It is a message, and you will hear it sounding firmly through the various pieces that make up The Human Factor, that tells us much about how we might live together: sharing, giving way, simple giving, lifting up, helping … above all, listening … (Brian Morton) Heinz Geisser – […]
Interview Rondo Magazin Podcast

go to the podcast here Interview von Mario Felix Vogt mit Christopher Dell RONDO, das Klassik- und Jazz-Magazin gibt es jetzt auch als Podcast. Mit Gästen aus der Welt der klassischen Musik und dem Jazz: Dirigentinnen, Musiker, Ensembleleiterinnen, Redakteure, Bloggerinnen und Labelmenschen – alle, die uns etwas über das verrückte Leben für und mit […]