Essay “Als Spielende”

Ca. 50 Fotografien von Oliver Krato. Vorwort von Roland Spiegel. Weitere Textbeiträge von Roberto Di Gioia, Christopher Dell, Max Mutzke und Harald Pompl. Mit einer CD-Diskografie sowie der DVD »Wolfgang Haffner – Live at JazzBaltica 2018«. 136 Seiten, Fadenheftung, 17,5 × 24 cm, 25 €. ISBN 978-3-9819538-2-4 Deutschlands »bester« (Die Welt) und »coolster« (ARD ttt) […]
Interview Futuretext

This is an interview on teaching the conceptualization of representation in urban design in architecture. I gave this interview in Paris in February 2020 on the occasion of the exhibition “Inscriptions en relation” at Palais de la Porte Doreé and as part of futuretext. Thanks so much to Ewa Satalecka and Jan Piechota Polish-Japanese Academy of […]
Radio feature Julia Hülsmann Christopher Dell Duo

14.03.2020 23:04 RBB Late Night Jazz Beide gelten als herausragende Musiker des deutschen Jazz: Die Pianistin Julia Hülsmann und der Vibrafonist Christopher Dell. Sie spielen nur selten und noch gar nicht lange im Duo, strahlen aber eine atemberaubende gemeinsame Chemie aus! Konzertaufnahme vom 3. Dezember 2019, Berlin, Jazzclub A-Trane Musikliste Konzertaufnahme: Julia Hülsmann & Christopher […]
Video Dialogue Concerts #2 Interaction

The video presents atmospheric impressions from the second event of the Dialogue Concerts. Conceptual Research on Architecture and Music on 06.02.2020 at Aedes Architektur Forum, curated by Christopher Dell #2 Interaction Interaction can be defined as a situation in which two or more humans or objects act in relation to each other. If “each habitat […]
Wolfgang Haffner Kind Of Tango

new album released today! with Wolfgang Haffner / drums Lars Danielsson / bass & cello Christopher Dell / vibraphone Simon Oslender / piano Vincent Peirani / accordion Ulf Wakenius / guitar Alma Naidu / vocals Sebastian Studnitzky / trumpet Bill Evans / saxophone (07 & 09) Lars Nilsson / flugelhorn (03) Recorded by Michael […]
Essay Introduction

in: Dell, Christopher (ed.) Reading and Representing the City, The Book as Inscription in Relation, Paris, Civic City. Produced with the students of the Seminar Reading and Showing the City at University of Arts, Berlin in the Winter-Semester 2019-2020, this artist’s book was displayed at the exhibition “incriptions en relation” at Musée Palais de la […]
Dialogue Concerts #2 Interaction

Textobject No. 4, artist’s book published by enw, limited edition of 60 designed by Helmut Völter
What is Design Today? Interview with Xin Cheng

in: Xin Cheng, A Seedbag for Resourcefulness, Hamburg: Material Verlag 2020 a seedbag for resourcefulness grew out of over twelve years of walking around urban environments in the Asia-Pacific and Europe, noticing small modifications of shared spaces and the interplay between the many maker-user-carer-hackers. Xin talked with urban theorist and musician Christopher Dell about the […]
release Simon Oslender “About Time”

released January 2020 with guests Wolfgang Haffner, Bill Evans, Randy Brecker, myself and others.
video Dialogue Concerts #1

Mediality, The video presents atmospheric impressions from the first event of the Dialogue Concerts on 12.12.2019 at Aedes Architektur Forum. Designed as a montage of lecture, concert and discussion, Dialogue Concerts will examine how urban space determines our communal life from December 2019 to November 2020. In this context, the city is not defined as […]