DRA Video Jazzfest Bonn 2017

this is a wonderful clip from our concert at Jazzfest Bonn in Mai 2017. Thanks to Peter Materna and all the team of Jazzfest Bonn to have made this possible.
Porosity and open form

new essay in: Wolfrum, S., Stengel, H., Kurbasik, F., Kling, N., Dona, S., Mumm, I., and Zöhrer, C., eds. Porous City. From Metaphor to Urban Agenda. Basel: Birkhäuser What is the porous city? Porosity refers to the ambiguous zones, inbetween spaces, and thresholds that permeate urban environments. Such spaces merge into each other, providing […]
Audiographic Score Objects

as the Text Objects, the Audiographic Score Objects are artworks that in my oeuvre have a double status. They operate as singular works and as works as part of a larger series. Starting with casette tapes in the 1970s, the media of Audiographic Score Objects changed over the years, including media such as CDs, Mini […]
Premiere of CD publication GÓRECKI AHEAD

Oleś Brothers & Christopher Dell Three premiere concerts of the new CD: April 4 – Zmiana Klimatu; BIAŁYSTOK April 5 – Studio Koncertowe Polskiego Radia, Witolda Lutosławskiego. WARSZAWA April 6 – Łaźnia; RADOM Z dumą prezentuję okładkę najnowszego albumu Oleś Brothers & Christopher Dell, który już za chwilę ukaże się nakładem wydawnictwa Audio Cave Design Blanka Tomaszewska Fenommedia at […]
Wolfgang Haffner Quartett video stream

live from JAZZWOCHE BURGHAUSEN 2018 video stream Der Schlagzeuger und Komponist Wolfgang Haffner kommt mit seinem neuesten Projekt nach Burghausen. Der Ibiza-Resident hat sich Spanien aus dem Blickwinkel des Jazz genähert, mit “Kind of Spain” eine ganz persönliche Auswahl getroffen und in Sextett-Besetzung gefühlvoll umgesetzt. Neben klassischen Werken von Rodrigo und Tàrrega finden sich auch […]
Towards the Improvisation of Space

essay in: Filozofski vestnik. Utopias and Alternatives Thinking Differently / Thinking Something Different Edited by / Sous la direction de Jelica Šumič Riha XXXVIII | 3/2017 Izdaja | Published by Filozofski inštitut ZRC SAZU, Institute of Philosophy at SRC SASA Ljubljana 2017 “When the concept of heterotopia is applied not only to space but also to its users it becomes possible […]
Radio Feature DLF on Monodosis II

Dienstag, 13. Februar / Tonart Jazz, 1:05 – 5:00 Uhr “Confrontations & Explanations: Der Vibraphonist Christopher Dell Zu Gast in der Reihe “Confrontations & Explanations” ist diesmal Christopher Dell, der schon lange als einer der wichtigsten und eigenständigsten Vibraphonisten des “europäischen Jazz” gilt. Der Berliner hat kürzlich ein neues Solo-Album mit dem Titel “Monodosis II” vorgelegt. […]
Complexity, contingency and coming into play.

Conference Proceedings by Christopher Dell, Bernd Kniess, Dominique Peck and Anna Richter: Picking up the the association of architectural educators’ broader concern with strategies for the coproduction of architectural knowledge, this contribution outlines the Modes of Play methodology developed by the research and teaching programme Urban Design over a series of Live Projects. Furthermore, the […]
Haffner Quartett Jazztage Leverkusen Video

the celebrated concert of Wolfgang Haffner Quartett at Leverkusener Jazztage on 6th of November 2017 was broadcasted by 3SAT on 12. of December 04:45 – 05:45 Uhr. It is now available on youtube. Wolfgang Haffner drums Roberto di Gioa – piano Christopher Dell – vibes Christian Diener – bass info ARD