Aufgaben als Bezugspunkte für Wissen und Wissenschaft
dialogue with Renate Girmes in the book “Aufgabenorientierte Wissenschaft”, Münster 2015. This publication was edited by the faculty of cultural engineering at the Otto- Guericke- University Magdeburg.
Eine Verortung der Improvisation
in the book „Aufgabenorientierte Wissenschaft“, Münster 2015. This publication was edited by the faculty of cultural engineering at the Otto- Guericke- University Magdeburg.
IFIT-Webpage 2007-2015
From 2007 until 2015 this work was the homepage of IFIT. It was realized with the program adobe flash, which kind of died out. If you still have that plugin installed, you are very welcome to historical archival document.
Article in AAE Sheffield Conference Proceeding
proceeding our group lecture performance at the 2nd Annual AAE Conference 2014 Living and Learning of the Association of Architectural Educators, held at the University of Sheffield on 4th of September 2014, now our related article has been published in the proceedings publication: Christopher Dell, Bernd Kniess, Tabea Michaelis and Ben Pohl: The Neighbourhoods University – Programme, […]
Video on “Das Arbeitende Konzert/ The Working Concert”
(Revision II -III) with Sicilian Improvisers Orchestra in October 2014
Webpage 2005-2015
From 2005 until 2015 this work was the homepage of Christopher Dell, Ifit and new Records. It was realized with the program adobe flash, which kind of died out. If you still have that plugin installed, you are very welcome to historical archival document.
Wolkenstruktur und Ermöglichung
new essay in: Anja Soeder, Kilian Schmitz-Hübsch, Alban Janson (Hg.) Unerkannte Räume Sechs Experimente im Grenzbereich der Architektur
Grid und Unbestimmtheit
essay in: SYSTEM DESIGN. Über 100 Jahre Chaos im Alltag / Over 100 Years of Chaos in Everyday Life. Ed. by Petra Hesse und / and René Spitz. Köln 2015.
enw-Webpage 2005-2015
From 2005 until 2015 this work was the homepage of enw. It was realized with the program adobe flash, which kind of died out. If you still have that plugin installed, you are very welcome to historical archival document.