Colloquium Modes of Realising. Project Neue Heimat

Posted on Okt. 17, 2017 in / Serial Events / Serial IFIT

October 19th, 2017, 2pm
AIT Salon Hamburg
Bei den Mühren 70

The research and teaching programme Urban Design will be working around the annual theme Modes of Realising. Project Neue Heimat in the upcoming academic year 2017/18. On the one hand it is our concern to problematise the palpability of the urban, or the problem of urban design. On the other hand our interest turns to the modes in which profits, ideas, roles and things are actually spatially realised, which following the line of Marxist thinking goes beyond looking at the production side of things: Realisation is the transformation of something from an ideal or potential form into an actual, material or ideogolical form. Realisation of value is the conversion of a profit or payment in the form of a surplus product or credit into money form.

With the advent of 100 Jahre Neue Heimat a promising case to investigate modes of realising comes into focus. The aim of the Urban Design Project 1 is to study the urban conditions that constituted particular situations in the history of the housing association Neue Heimat. This research will be raw material for the atlas Modes of Realising. Neue Heimat. This atlas provides a pertinent field for research, teaching and practice for re-negotiating modes of realising through which new modes of producing the urban ought to be developed.

The colloquium is organised in two parts. Part 1 begins at 2pm and aims to assemble the past and the present in order to figure out modes of being propositional again. Active players affiliated with the modes of realising (housing) projects in Hamburg and other cities in Germany will report from their practice. This part ends with a discussion in which moderators and guests try to collaboratively outline aspects of researching into modes of realising in the academic project Modes of Realizing.

Part 2 of the colloquium is a keynote by London based architecture practice Hesselbrand, which will beginn at 7.15 pm. After the keynote everyone will be invited to have food and drinks and hang around for further discussions and/or other reasons.

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