débat “Une architecture performative.”

Posted on Feb. 25, 2022 in / Serial IFIT / Serial Publications

avec Mathilde Chénin, Christopher Dell, Matthieu Duperrex, Marion Howa et Fanny Léglise,

mené par Tiphaine Abenia et Daniel Estevez »,

dans « Habiter », Perspective : actualité en histoire de l’art, n° 2021 – 2, p. 67-86

Following the presentation of the French pavilion at the XVII Venice Architecture Biennale, the winning team, under the aegis of Christophe Hutin Architecture, wanted to engage in a cross-reflection on the concept of inhabiting in architecture. This notion is approached in the exhibition from the angle of “lived globality”, according to the expression of the poet Édouard Glissant, a plunge into the archipelagos of places, moments and architectural experiences. The proposal of the pavilion is entitled “Communities at Work”. It attempts to formulate a direct response to the question posed to the international participants by the general curator of the Biennial, Hashim A. Sarkis: “How will we live together?”, which takes as its starting point the inhabiting and inhabitant action in the production of the contemporary city: let us observe our ways of living together today, all over the world, in order to try to trace a possible and desirable common future for our cities. Let us therefore start from what already exists before our eyes. Let us ask ourselves the following question: can the ordinary action of inhabiting communities on their environment be considered on the same level as the learned action of the architects, engineers and urban planners who design cities?



