Posted on Nov. 12, 2023 in / Serial Events

Christopher Dell – vibraphone

Christian Ramond – bass

Felix Astor – drums

DRA is a unique contemporary music research ensemble focussing on the criticality of rhythm. In the 25 years of its work, DRA has created a significant and iconic body of work that has been the subject of intense discussion in the music world.  According the American Composer George Lewis with DRA Dell presents a “unique hybrid of composition, improvisation, communication, and complex metric modulations that reflect his deep engagement with organizational studies.”


13.11. Parzelle, Dortmund, 20:30

14.11. Loft, Köln, 20:30

15.11. Jazzinstitut, Darmstadt,  20:30

16.11. Laboratorio 17, Mannheim, 20:o0

17.11. Ort, Wuppertal, 20:00

18.11 Künstlerforum, Bonn, 20:00

19.11. Industriesalon, Jazzkeller 69 e.V. Berlin, 15:00



more info on DRA here:

Christopher Dell DRA