This is a compressed display of all event dates. The regular view of the post list you’ll get here →
This is a compressed display of all event dates. The regular view of the post list you’ll get here →
with Nils Landgren and Lars Danielsson
13. Juni, 2015 | Schloß Elmau
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Art of Making CD Release Tour
26. Mai, 2015 | Loft, Köln
27. Mai, 2015 | Evinger Schloss, Dortmund
28. Mai, 2015 | Peter Weiss Haus, Rostock
29. Mai, 2015 | Kulturknast, Brüel
30. Mai, 2015 | Newloft, Berlin
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Dell Lillinger Westergaard & Mat Maneri
16. Mai, 2015 | Dell Lilliinger Westergaard plus Mat Maneri, Aufsturz Berlin
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Finnish Urban Studies Days 2015
11. Mai, 2015 | City as Stage, Urban Studies Days, University Tampere
12. April, 2017
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DRA on tour
06. Mai, 2015 | Designexport, Hamburg
08. Mai, 2015 | Emmauskirche, Berlin
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Monodosis at Loris
16. April, 2015 | Monodosis, Loris Galerie für zeitgenössische Kunst, berlin
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A 100 Landscape of desires
17. September, 2014 | A 100 Landscape of desires, Raumlabor, Berlin
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The Working Concert (Revision I)
23. Juli, 2014 | Kunstraum Bethanien, Berlin
25. Juli, 2014
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Dell Lillinger Westergaard live in Copenhagen
10. Juli, 2014 | Dell Lillinger Westergaard, Kvarterhuset, Jazz Festival Copenhagen
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performative urbanism
19. Juli, 2013 | performative urbanism Symposium Pinakotek der Moderne, München
20. April, 2017 | performative urbanism Symposium Schaustelle, München
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Architectural Behaviourology- Yoshiharu Tsukamoto
21. März, 2010 | Yoshiharu Tsukamoto, Atelier Bow Wow, ANCB, Berlin
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