Lecture Performance: Learning to Provoke

Posted on Mai 20, 2011 in / Serial Events / Serial IFIT

Learning to Provoke
Design and Politics: The Next Phase

ANCB in collaboration with Henk Ovink, Dutch Ministry of Infrastructure and Environment
and in cooperation with the Dutch Embassy in Berlin

Place: Aedes Network Campus Berlin, Pfefferberg, Christinenstr. 18-19, 10119 Berlin
Time: Friday, October 21st 2011, 4.30pm – 6.30pm

Learning to provoke is the fourth of 7 podium discussions in the 2011 series Design & Politics:
The Next Phase. It explores a new role for architecture, as a critical instrument in a more politically engaged, proactive and provocative alternative to ‘standard’ urban planning approaches.

Dr. h.c. Kristin Feireiss Director ANCB
Dr. Bart Hofstede Head of the Press and Culture Department, Dutch Embassy in Berlin
Henk Ovink Director National Spatial Planning at the Dutch Ministry of Infrastructure and the Environment (podium chair)

Henk Ovink is convinced that ‘standard’ urban planning approaches are no longer effective. He argues for a more politically engaged, pro-active and provocative alternative. The primary objective is to ‘give meaning to the critical issues and their development in our cities’ which Ovink argues, is achievable through ‘political design’ – design that confronts these challenges, their factors, their various actors, their local situations, and innovates through this confrontation. The following architects, politicians and innovators will challenge this argument for ‘political design’ through statements, propositions and debate:

Christopher Dell Theoretician and Musician, Institute for Improvisation Technology, Berlin
Theo Deutinger Founding Partner TD Architects, Amsterdam and Salzburg
Markus Fernhout Founding Partner Codum Property Investment, Rotterdam
Wouter Vanstiphout Art Historian, Professor Design and Politics, TU Delft
Petra Wesseler Head of Department for Urban Planning and Building Construction, Chemnitz


Podium Discussion 2011
the next phase
Aedes Berlin am 21.Oktober 2011