lecture performance “Raum und Handlung” Master Cooperative Planning, Luzern
Thanks so much to Tabea Michaelis and Amelie-Theres Mayer for inviting me to teach and lecture at their brand-new Master of Kollaborative Raumentwicklung at the Institut for Architecture, Hochschule Luzern.
the lecture and teaching took place in the curricular of the framework PRACTICAL PROJECT 01 HERITAGE-MAKING
In interdisciplinary teams, students develop concepts and strategies for sustainable and agile spatial development along a specific annual theme in their fields of research. With the focus on “Heritage”, the socio-material potentials and challenges along the A2 trade route and its various communities between Lucerne and Stans are examined. The teams combine different approaches to space, negotiate disciplinary perspectives and concepts and expand their models of action in socio-spatial analysis. The diverse typological starting points and everyday realities will be researched, which will be recorded using various methods and instruments, compiled and made visible in the practical project. Based on the collectively developed starting position, thematic areas of specialization are determined and honed in the following semester. In feedback with experts and representatives from the municipalities, the work status is reflected on at regular intervals and knowledge is (re)organized. The aim of the first semester is a multi-perspective documentation of the complex sub-areas in their current situation as well as their locally specific characteristics. In addition, sub-questions/topics are examined in depth, which the students will further develop in their practical project in the second semester.
Module coordinator and team: Amelie Mayer, Tabea Michaelis
Prof. Christopher Dell, Prof. Ulrike Sturm and representatives of the municipalities and cantons, etc.
Assistants: Fidelia Gartner, Nathalie Peeters
Requirements: Students deal with a motive-based question in their field of research. In doing so, they apply various bodies of knowledge, methods and instruments. The students develop their projects in close cooperation and deepen them step by step based on the respective knowledge gained. At regular intervals, they present and reflect on their work steps in the Ko:Lab studio with lecturers and invited guests/experts
Semester submission: process documentation in group work & final presentation
photos by Markus Käch