“Reading and Showing the City” in Paris

Posted on Feb. 10, 2020 in / Serial Events / Serial IFIT

Christopher Dell participates with the students of his seminar “Reading and Representing the CIty”

at the exhibition “inscriptions en relation” 14-16 February at Palais Porte de la Dorée, Paris.

The seminar took place in winter semester  2019-20 at the department of architecture and urban design at Berlin University of Arts.

The exhibition is curated by civic city and Vera and Ruedi Baur.

Christopher Dell will present the students work on Saturday 15th at 10:30.

Within the exhibition context Christopher Dell will also give an input at the roundtable discussion Culture de la diversité linguistique with Ruedi Baur, Boris Kochan and Malte Martin on Saturday 15th at 12:30.

With the students Andreas Hetz, Stefan Schaaf, Viktoria Bruns, Daniel Rozek, Auna Nunes, Joaquim Pedro Arantes Ferreira, Laura Haas, Ana Maria Rodriguez Bisbicus, Daniil Yakubovich, Kai Bögli, Lioba Lea Bangert, Nils-Thore Grundke, Steffen Sasse, Victor Saghattchi, Malte Wilms, Kassandra Sarantis, Corinna Studier, Miriam Attalah, Johannes Pointner, Henrike Heuer, Charlotte Schoenberger, Lilli Hanada, Grete Ohlendorf

udk webpage announcement


“Inscriptions en relation — des traces coloniales aux expressions plurielles” est un projet international et pluridisciplinaire conçu par Ruedi et Vera Baur et porté par Civic City. Il vise à donner voix aux langues absentes, celles qui n’ont pas le droit à l’inscription et dont le savoir reste souvent ignoré; à relier ces savoirs et ces poétiques à ceux en usages sur les lieux et donc à questionner l’inscription des langues dans l’espace public.

webpage civic city