short list, prize of Stiftung Buchkunst for “Dialogue Concerts”
Dialogue Concerts
Conceptual Research on Architecture and Music
published by Spector Books, Leipzig
Design: Paulina Mohr, Helmut Völter
Print / Binding: Gutenberg Beuys Feindruckerei, Langenhagen
ISBN: 978-3-9590-5741-7
the competition best book design from all over the world
Stiftung Buchkunst (German foundation for book design) networks international book design competitions under the umbrella of »Best Book Design from all over the World«. Despite cultural differences in book production, this competition is an attempt to compare the technical and aesthetic level as well as the appropriate and artistic design of books beyond national borders. The focus is on international exchange and mutual stimulation.
Hundreds of award-winning titles from national competitions in over 30 countries are examined by an international jury of experts. In the international competition, only books that have previously been judged and awarded prizes by expert juries in their respective countries of origin are evaluated.
The highest award given by the jury is the »Goldene Letter«. In addition, one »Gold Medal«, two »Silver Medals«, five »Bronze Medals« and five »Honorary Appreciations« will be selected. All awards are non-endowed. The awarding of the certificates usually takes place during the Leipzig Book Fair.
Unique of its kind in the world, the annual book design competition »Best Books from all over the World« has been held in Leipzig since 1963. Since 1991 the Stiftung Buchkunst in Frankfurt am Main and Leipzig has been responsible for overseeing it.