lecture performance Urban Design Kolloquium TU Dortmund

Posted on Jan. 16, 2024 in / Serial Events / Serial IFIT

lecture performance “Raum und Handlung” at

Städtebauliches Kolloquium
3. Termin – 16.01.2024 | SBP-Kolloquium “Reallabore. Lernen in 1:1 Situationen.” (WiSe 2023/2024).

The current series of the colloquium is entitled: Real-world laboratories. Learning in 1:1 situations. The colloquium is aimed at all those interested in cities and space: students of all semesters, colleagues from all disciplines and faculties, planners and architects in administrations, private offices, active and committed members of associations and initiatives.
18:00 at Rudolf-Chaudoire-Pavillon (Campus-Süd, TU-Dortmund) with Marius Töpfer and Marieke Behne (projektbüro, Hamburg, Moderation: Renée Tribble.



My lecture performance departed from my latest book “Raum und Handlung”


new book Raum und Handlung


