Stars im Luitpoldhain

Posted on Aug. 4, 2024 in / Serial Events

4. August 2024 20 Uhr


The major biennial festival “Stars im Luitpoldhain” brought internationally renowned jazz stars to the stage on Sunday, 4 August, starting at 8 pm. This year, Wolfgang Haffner, world-class drummer, Nuremberg Culture Prize winner and musical director of Stars im Luitpoldhain, brought some very special companions to the stage: The German-Swedish formation 4 Wheel Drive (Nils Landgren, Michael Wollny, Lars Danielsson, Wolfgang Haffner), the legendary trumpeter Randy Brecker, the singer Ida Sand, the DJ and musician Shantel, who is known for his unique fusion of Balkan beats, electronics and world music, as well as Música Popular Brasileira and jazz star Ivan Lins from Brazil. Rhythm and groove were provided by the German All Star Big Band under the direction of Jörg Achim Keller.

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