The Improvisation of Space, Haus der Statistik

Posted on Aug. 28, 2020 in / Serial Events

Fr, 28.8.2020, 20:30 

“The Improvisation of Space”
Haus der Statistik





About Stadterweitern

Stadterweitern is an exploratory and hybrid series of events that addresses the question of how the city is made through immaterial and embodied practices. Stadterweitern focuses on concrete aesthetic and choreographic practices. Applied to urban space, the aim is to unfold spaces of possibility for the life of the city, for thinking about and designing the city.

City-Making Through Shared Physical Experiences

Stadterweitern practices, trains, develops and unfolds a way of dealing with the complexity of physical co-existence in the city. This approach is experimental and open, characterized by a somatic and playful understanding of development processes and an exploratory attitude. Instead of expanding the city physically beyond the city limits through new housing developments, as was the case in the 19th century, possibilities for expansion through an extended approach to the city are practised and named.

Four Experimerntal Practice Labs / Public Events

As a series of events, Stadterweitern therefore brings together longstanding practitioners of the performative-choreographic field to move and experiment in 4 one-week practice labs (public, collective and localized). The exploratory body practice is a collective and participatory process. Each laboratory is open to interested participants who, through their experience and specific appropriation, further develop and implement the research. Connected to the laboratories are discussions, lectures and short artistic formats – which intensify the interdisciplinary exchange on the questions of located and embodied urban action.