Thinking Space Musically

Posted on Feb. 12, 2010 in / Serial IFIT

Lecture Performance at Architectural Association London

date: 2010-02-16
link to video
Christopher Dell will explain his concept of a musical approach to conceptualise space. He will refer to the performative notation concepts of new music and present parts of his actual studies ‘Improvisations on Urbanity’ and ‘Tacit Urbanism’. Born in 1965, Christopher Dell lives and works as theoretician and musician in Berlin and Hamburg. Currently he is Professor for Urban Design Theory at HafenCity University, Hamburg. Dell is author of numerous articles and books a.o. ‘Prinzip Improvisation’, Cologne 2002, Improvisations on Urbanity Rotterdam 2010 (with Ton Matton), and Tacit Urbanism, Rotterdam 2009. His work as musician was honored with several awards e.g. the Downbeat Allstar Award, the Award of the Deutsche Schallplattenkritik and Grammy-Nomination.